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Is UpWork Only for Freelancers?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:41 pm

There’s no doubt that UpWork is a great platform for freelancers. It offers a wide variety of work, good pay, and the opportunity to build a strong portfolio. However, is UpWork only for freelancers?

The answer is no. While UpWork is certainly geared towards freelancers and independent professionals, there are also many businesses that use the platform to find remote workers for short-term or long-term projects.

PRO TIP: There are a few things to be aware of if you’re thinking of using Upwork (formerly oDesk) to grow your freelance business. First, while Upwork is great for finding new clients and building your reputation, it’s not the only game in town. You may want to also consider other platforms like Freelancer.com or Guru.com. Second, be aware that Upwork takes a 20% cut of your earnings for the first $500 you bill a client (10% for established freelancers). This can eat into your profits, so make sure to factor it into your pricing. Finally, remember that competition on Upwork can be fierce, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t land your dream project right away. Keep bidding and marketing yourself, and you’ll eventually find the right fit.

Businesses of all sizes can post projects on UpWork, from one-time tasks to ongoing positions. And with UpWork’s vast pool of talent, it’s easy to find the perfect person for the job – no matter what your business needs may be.

So if you’re wondering if UpWork is only for freelancers, the answer is a resounding no. Whether you’re a business owner or a freelancer, UpWork is a great platform to get the job done.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.