Web Design » UI UX » Is UX UI designer same as product designer?

Is UX UI designer same as product designer?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:35 pm

UX designer and product designer are two different roles in the design process. UX designer focuses on the user experience and how the design will make the user’s interaction with the product easier and more enjoyable.

Product designer focuses on the design of the product itself, from the design concept all the way through to the finished product.

PRO TIP: As a UX UI designer, you will be responsible for the overall user experience of the product, from how it looks to how it feels. However, a product designer is responsible for the physical design of the product itself. Therefore, these two roles are not the same and should not be confused.

Although they have some overlap, UX designer and product designer are two separate roles. UX designers focus on the user experience and how the design will make the user’s interaction with the product easier and more enjoyable.

Product designers focus on the design of the product itself, from the design concept all the way through to the finished product.

UX designers are typically responsible for the design of the user interface, while product designers are responsible for the design of the product itself, from the design concept all the way through to the finished product. However, there is some overlap between the two roles, and both are essential for a successful product.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.