Website Building » Squarespace » Is Webflow or Squarespace Better?

Is Webflow or Squarespace Better?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:10 am

There are many website builder platforms on the market today. Two of the most popular are Webflow and Squarespace.

Both platforms have their pros and cons, but which one is the better option for you? In this article, we will compare Webflow and Squarespace to help you decide which platform is the best fit for your needs.


Webflow is a website builder that gives users the ability to create custom websites without having to code. With Webflow, you can create responsive websites that look great on all devices.

Plus, you can add advanced features like animations and interactions without having to code. And if you do know how to code, you can use Webflow’s code export feature to export your designs into code.

One of the drawbacks of using Webflow is that it can be more expensive than other website builder platforms. Plus, there is a learning curve associated with using the platform. But overall, Webflow is a great option for those who want to create custom websites without having to code.

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Squarespace is another popular website builder platform. Like Webflow, Squarespace gives users the ability to create beautiful websites without having to code.

With Squarespace, you can create a professional website in minutes. Plus, Squarespace offers a wide range of templates and features that make it easy to create a unique website.

While Squarespace is a great platform for creating websites, it does have some drawbacks. First, Squarespace can be more expensive than other website builders.

Second, Squarespace’s templates are not as customizable as those offered by other platforms. But overall, Squarespace is a great option for those who want to create beautiful websites without having to code.


So, which platform is better? Webflow or Squarespace?

Both platforms have their pros and cons, but ultimately it depends on your needs and preferences. If you want a platform that offers more customization options and doesn’t require coding, then Webflow is a great option. If you want a platform that is easy to use and offers beautiful templates, then Squarespace is a great option.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.