Website Building » Squarespace » Is Webflow or Squarespace Cheaper?

Is Webflow or Squarespace Cheaper?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:35 am

Webflow is a cheaper option for website design and development when compared to Squarespace. While Squarespace may be a better option for those looking for an easier platform to use, Webflow provides more features and customization options for a lower price.

In addition, Webflow offers a free plan for those just getting started with website design, while Squarespace does not.

PRO TIP: -Is Webflow or Squarespace Cheaper?

If you are considering using either of these platforms for your website, you should be aware that they can both be quite expensive. While there are some cheaper options available, such as WordPress, you may find that you end up spending more in the long run with either Webflow or Squarespace.

For those looking to create a website on a budget, Webflow is the clear choice. With its free plan and lower prices for paid plans, Webflow provides more value than Squarespace. In addition, Webflow offers more features and customization options than Squarespace, making it the better choice for those looking to create a truly unique website.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.