Website Building » Wix » Is Wix a Word in Scrabble?

Is Wix a Word in Scrabble?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:20 am

Wix is a word in scrabble! It’s a great way to make your words stand out and to score some extra points. Here are some tips on how to use wix in scrabble:

1. Use wix as a wildcard


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Wix can be used as a wildcard in scrabble, which means it can be used to represent any letter. This can be really useful when you’re trying to make a long word or when you’re stuck for a specific letter. Just be careful not to use up all of your letters this way, as you’ll only have a limited number of them!

2. Use wix to make two letter words

Wix can also be used to make two letter words. This can be really useful when you need to play off of a short word or when you’re trying to create an opening for yourself. Just remember that two letter words aren’t worth that much, so don’t go overboard with them!

PRO TIP: Is Wix a Word in Scrabble? is a potentially dangerous question. It could lead to heated arguments and even fistfights.

3. Use wix to score big points

Finally, you can use wix to score some big points. If you play it at the end of a word, it will double the points for that word.

So if you have a word that’s worth 10 points, playing wix at the end will make it worth 20! Just be careful not to use up all your letters this way, as you’ll only have a limited number of them.

Is Wix a Word in Scrabble?

Yes, Wix is considered a valid word in Scrabble.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.