Website Building » Wix » Is Wix Hosting Reliable?

Is Wix Hosting Reliable?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 12:53 am

Wix is a platform that allows users to create HTML5 websites and mobile sites through the use of their online drag and drop tools. They also offer a variety of hosting services for these websites.

In this article, we will be discussing whether or not Wix hosting is reliable.


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Wix has been in business since 2006 and has been growing in popularity ever since. They now have over 110 million users in 190 countries. With such a large user base, it is safe to say that they are a reliable company.

When it comes to hosting, Wix offers three different plans; Connect Domain, Combo, and Unlimited. The Connect Domain plan is the most basic and only allows you to connect your own domain name to your Wix site.

PRO TIP: While Wix hosting may be reliable for some users, others have found it to be less than reliable. If you are considering using Wix for your hosting needs, you may want to read some user reviews to get a better idea of what to expect.

The Combo plan includes everything in the Connect Domain plan, plus gives you additional storage and bandwidth, a free domain name for one year, and $75 worth of ads vouchers. The Unlimited plan includes everything in the Combo plan, plus gives you unlimited storage and bandwidth, a free domain name for one year, $300 worth of ads vouchers, and access to the Site Booster App (normally $60).

So, what do customers think about Wix hosting? Overall, they are happy with the service.

There are some complaints here and there about downtime and customer support, but these are few and far between. Most users are satisfied with the uptime, speed, and features that Wix provides.

In conclusion, Wix hosting is reliable. They have been in business for over ten years and have a large user base.

They offer three different hosting plans that come with various features. Overall, customers are satisfied with the service provided by Wix.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.