When you sign up for Fiverr, you are voluntarily disclosing your true name. While Fiverr has a policy in place stating that buyers and sellers must use their real names, this policy is not always enforced.
PRO TIP: While there are many benefits to using your real name on Fiverr, there are also some risks. Your real name can be used to track your activity on the site, which could lead to unwanted attention or even identity theft. In addition, if you ever need to dispute a charge or transaction on Fiverr, it will be much more difficult to do so if you’re using your real name. Therefore, we recommend that you use a pseudonym or alias when creating your account.
Additionally, some sellers may choose to remain anonymous, or use a pseudonym. In this case, it is important to remember that your true name is still being disclosed to the public.
If you decide to use a pseudonym, it is important to be aware that this information can still be found through Google searches. If you are uncomfortable with the idea of your true name being publicly available, it may be best to avoid using it on Fiverr.