Website Building » Weebly » Should I Use Weebly or Wix?

Should I Use Weebly or Wix?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 4:40 pm

There are a few things you should take into account when deciding whether to use Weebly or Wix.

1. Ease of Use

Weebly is extremely easy to use. Even if you have no experience with website builders, you’ll be able to create a beautiful website with Weebly.

Wix, on the other hand, is also easy to use – but not as easy as Weebly. With Wix, you’ll need to spend some time getting used to the platform before you can create a website that looks just the way you want it to.

2. Flexibility

Both Weebly and Wix give you a lot of flexibility when it comes to creating your website. However, Weebly is slightly more flexible than Wix. With Weebly, you can add HTML code to your website, which gives you even more control over how your website looks and functions.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Weebly or Wix to create a website, you should be aware that there are some risks involved. Weebly and Wix are both website builders that allow users to create a website without any programming knowledge. However, Weebly is owned by Google and Wix is owned by Microsoft. This means that if either company decides to change their terms of service or shut down their service, your website could be affected. Additionally, Weebly and Wix both use proprietary software, which means that you will not be able to move your website to another platform if you decide you don’t like Weebly or Wix.

3. Pricing

When it comes to pricing, Weebly and Wix are both very affordable. However, Weebly is slightly cheaper than Wix.


So, which platform should you choose – Weebly or Wix? If you’re looking for an extremely easy-to-use platform with slightly more flexibility, then Weebly is the best choice for you. However, if you don’t mind spending a bit of time getting used to the platform and want to save a few dollars, then go with Wix.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.