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What Are Archives in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:51 am

Archives in WooCommerce are a way of organizing and storing your products. They can be used to store products that are no longer available, or to keep track of products that have been discontinued.

You can also use archives to keep track of customer purchase history. To access your archives, go to your WordPress dashboard and click on “WooCommerce” > “Archives.”

When you first set up WooCommerce, you will be asked to choose a product type. This will determine the default settings for your archive pages.

For example, if you choose the “Simple Product” type, your archive pages will only display the product name, price, and an “Add to Cart” button. If you choose the “Variable Product” type, your archive pages will display the product name, price range, and a drop-down menu of available variations. You can change these settings at any time by going to “WooCommerce” > “Settings” > “Catalog.”

If you have a lot of products, you may want to consider dividing them into categories. This will help your customers find what they’re looking for more easily. To create categories, go to “WooCommerce” > “Products” > “Categories.”

You can also use tags to further organize your products. Tags are like keywords that you can assign to products. For example, you could tag all of your t-shirts with the keyword “clothing.” To create tags, go to “WooCommerce” > “Products” > “Tags.”

Once you have created some tags, you can assign them to products by editing the product and selecting the appropriate tags from the “Product Tags” box.

What are archives in WooCommerce Archives in WooCommerce are a way of organizing and storing yourproducts. They can be usedto store products that are no longer available, orto keep track ofproducts that have been discontinued.

Youcan also use archives tokeeptrackof customer purchase history.To accessyour archives,go toyour WordPress dashboardand click on Dashboard → WooCommerce → Archives . Whenyou first set up WooCommerce,youwill be askedto choosea producttype .Th iswill determinethe defaultsettingsforyour archivepages .For example ,if youchoose theSimpleProducttype ,your archivepageswill onlydisplaythe product name ,price ,and anAddtoCartbutton .Ifyouchoosethe VariableProducttype ,your archivepageswill displaytheproduct name ,price range ,and a drop -downmenuof availablevariations .Youcan changesettings atthese any timebygoing toyour WordPress→ Settings→ Catalog( underWooCommercesection ).Ifyouhavea lotof products ,y oumay wanttoconsiderdividingtheminto categories .This will helpyour customersfind what they’re lookingfor more easily .To createcategories ,go toyour WordPress→ Products→ Categories .Youcan alsouse tagsfurtherorganizeyour products .Tagsare like keywords thatyou can assign toproducts .For example ,youcould tagallofyour t-shirts withthe keyword” clothing . “To createtags ,go toyour WordPress→ Products→ TagsOnceyou have createdsome tags ,you can assignthem toproductsbyeditingthe productandselectingthe appropriatetags fromthe ” ProductTags “box

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.