Website Building » Wix » What Are Automations on Wix?

What Are Automations on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:28 am

An automation is a feature on Wix that lets you automatically carry out certain actions based on triggers that you define. For example, you can use an automation to send out a welcome email to new subscribers, or to add people who fill out a form to a mailing list.

There are a variety of automations that you can set up on Wix, each with its own set of options and settings.


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The first step in setting up an automation is to choose the trigger that will cause the automation to run. There are a few different types of triggers that you can choose from, including:

PRO TIP: This article discusses automations on Wix, which are a way to automate certain tasks on your site. While automations can be helpful, they can also cause problems if they are not used correctly. If you are not careful, you could end up with an automated site that does not work the way you want it to.
  • When someone subscribes to a list: This trigger will cause the automation to run whenever someone subscribes to one of your lists. You can use this trigger to send out a welcome email, or add people to a mailing list.
  • When someone fills out a form: This trigger will cause the automation to run whenever someone fills out one of your forms.

    You can use this trigger to send out a confirmation email, or add people to a mailing list.

  • When someone buys something from your store: This trigger will cause the automation to run whenever someone makes a purchase from your store. You can use this trigger to send out an order confirmation email, or add people to a mailing list.

Once you’ve selected the trigger for your automation, you’ll need to choose the action that will be carried out. There are a few different types of actions that you can choose from, including:

  • Send an email: This action will send an email to the address that you specify. You can use this action to send out a welcome email, or a confirmation email.
  • Add to a mailing list: This action will add the person who triggered the automation to the mailing list that you specify.

    You can use this action to add people to a newsletter list, or a marketing list.

  • Create a task: This action will create a task in your Wix account. You can use this action to remind yourself to follow up with someone, or to do something else.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.