AWS service limits are the maximum amount of resources that can be used by an AWS service. These limits protect you from exceeding your costs and from using AWS services in an uncontrolled or abusive manner.
The AWS service limits apply to AWS resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon S3 buckets, and Amazon EBS volumes. You can use the AWS Limits tool to find out the service limits for a particular resource.
The AWS service limits vary depending on the type of AWS resource. The table below lists the service limits for Amazon EC2 instances.
Resource Type Service Limit EC2 instance capacity (GB) 1 EC2 instance type t1.micro 2 EC2 instance type t2.
small 3 EC2 instance type t2.medium 4 EC2 instance type t2.large 5.
You cannot exceed the service limits for an Amazon S3 bucket or an Amazon EBS volume. For more information, see the Amazon S3 and Amazon EBS resources documentation.
The AWS service limits also apply to your AWS account. You can view the AWS service limits for your AWS account in the AWS Limits tool.
The AWS Limits tool limits you to the service limits of the AWS resources that you specify.
The maximum number of AWS accounts that you can have is 100. The AWS Limits tool limits you to the service limits of the AWS resources that you specify.
The AWS Limits tool also limits the number of Amazon EC2 instances that you can have.
The AWS Limits tool also limits the number of Amazon S3 buckets and Amazon EBS volumes that you can have.
The AWS Limits tool does not limit the number of Amazon RDS instances that you can have.
The AWS Limits tool also does not limit the number of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) objects that you can store in an Amazon S3 bucket.
The maximum number of EC2 instances and Amazon S3 buckets that you can have at any given time is based on the number of cores that are available on your computer.
The AWS Limits tool also limits the number of Amazon EBS volumes that you can have.
The AWS Limits tool limits the number of Amazon RDS instances that you can have.
The AWS Limits tool also limits the number of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) objects that you can store in an Amazon S3 bucket.
The AWS Limits tool also limits the number of Amazon EC2 instances that you can start at any given time.
The AWS Limits tool also limits the number of Amazon RDS instances that you can start at any given time.
The AWS Limits tool also limits the number of Amazon EC2 instances that you can stop at any given time.
The AWS Limits tool also limits the number of Amazon RDS instances that you can stop at any given time.
The AWS Limits tool does not limit the number of Amazon S3 objects that you can store in an Amazon S3 bucket.
The AWS Limits tool does not limit the number of Amazon EBS volumes that you can attach to an Amazon EBS device.
The AWS Limits tool does not limit the number of Amazon EC2 instances that you can launch at any given time.
The AWS Limits tool does not limit the number of Amazon RDS instances that you can launch at any given time.
The AWS Limits tool does not limit the number of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) objects that you can store in an Amazon S3 bucket.
The AWS Limits tool does not limit the number of Amazon EBS devices that you can attach to an Amazon EBS volume.
The AWS Limits tool does not limit the number of Amazon EC2 instances that you can terminate at any given time.
The AWS Limits tool does not limit the number of Amazon RDS instances that you can terminate at any given time.
The AWS Limits tool does not limit the number of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) objects that you can store in an.