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What Are Badges in Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:36 pm

Badges on Fiverr are like awards that freelancers can earn that vouch for their skills and experience. There are three types of badges on Fiverr:

Level One Badges: These are the most basic badges and are awarded for simple things like completing your profile, having a profile photo, or getting your first order. Level one badges are relatively easy to get and don’t really vouch for much in terms of skill or experience.

Level Two Badges: These are slightly more difficult to obtain than level one badges and usually require some kind of test or review process in order to get them. For example, the “Top Rated Seller” badge can only be obtained by sellers who have received positive reviews from buyers and have maintained a high level of satisfaction over time.

Level two badges show that a freelancer is serious about their work and has a track record of success.

Level Three Badges: These are the most difficult badges to obtain and usually require extensive experience and a high level of skill. For example, the “Power Seller” badge is only given to sellers who have completed at least 100 orders with a 90% satisfaction rate. Level three badges are a sign of true expertise and are very rare.


Badges on Fiverr provide an easy way for freelancers to showcase their skills and experience to potential clients. By displaying badges prominently on their profiles, freelancers can give buyers confidence that they are dealing with a qualified professional.

PRO TIP: Badges are a way for Fiverr to show you’re a great seller. But, if you’re not careful, they can also be a way for Fiverr to take your money.

There are two types of badges on Fiverr:

1. The “Pro” badge. This badge is given to sellers who have been hand-picked by Fiverr staff. To get this badge, you have to pay Fiverr $100.

2. The “Top Rated” badge. This badge is given to sellers who have good ratings and reviews from buyers. To get this badge, you have to maintain a high level of quality and customer service.

If you’re not careful, badges can be a way for Fiverr to take your money. Make sure you understand what each badge means before you buy it.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.