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What Are Canva Tags?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 11:55 am

As anyone who’s ever used Canva knows, tags are an important part of the design process. By tagging your designs, you can keep track of which designs are yours, as well as share them with others. But what exactly are Canva tags?

In short, Canva tags are labels that you can add to your designs. You can use them to categorize your designs, or to simply add a bit of extra information. For example, you might tag a design with the name of the client for whom you created it, or with the date on which you created it.

Tags are added in the “Tags” section of the “Share & Export” menu. To add a tag, simply type in the name of the tag and hit enter. You can add as many tags as you like to a single design.

PRO TIP: Canva tags are a new way to categorize and organize your designs in Canva. They are similar to hashtags on social media, and can be used to search for designs or to find related designs. However, unlike hashtags, Canva tags can only be used by people with a Canva account. This means that if you use a Canva tag in a design, only people with a Canva account will be able to see it.

When exporting a design, you have the option to include all tags or only specific tags. This can be useful if you’re sharing a design with someone who doesn’t need to see all of your tags (for example, if you’re sharing a design with a client who only needs to see the client name tag).

Tags can also be useful when searching for designs. For example, if you remember that you created a design for a client named “John Smith,” you can search for “John Smith” and all of your designs for that client will come up.

So there you have it: everything you need to know about Canva tags! Now go forth and tag away!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.