Web Design » Figma » What Are Drafts in Figma?

What Are Drafts in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:14 pm

A draft in Figma is a type of file that allows you to work on a design project with other people without creating a version of the file that everyone can see. Drafts are perfect for when you want to get feedback from others or when you’re working on a project with someone else and don’t want to create a separate file for each person.

You can create a draft by going to File > New > Draft.

When you create a draft, you’ll be given the option to add collaborators. Collaborators can be anyone with a Figma account, and they’ll be able to view and comment on your design.

To add collaborators, simply click the “Add Collaborators” button and enter their email addresses. Once you’ve added collaborators, they’ll be able to see your design in the “Drafts” tab of their Figma account.

PRO TIP: This article is about Figma’s ‘Drafts’ feature, which is currently in beta. While the feature is generally stable, there are still some bugs that may occur. Use at your own risk!

If you’re working on a design project with someone else, you can use drafts to get feedback from each other without creating a separate file for each person. To do this, simply create a draft and add your collaborator’s email address.

Once they’ve accepted the invitation, they’ll be able to view your design and leave comments. Comments will appear in the “Drafts” tab of your Figma account, and you can reply to them by clicking the “Reply” button.

Drafts are a great way to get feedback from others or to work on a project with someone else without creating a separate file for each person. To create a draft, simply go to File > New > Draft and add collaborators by clicking the “Add Collaborators” button.

What Are Drafts in Figma?

Drafts in Figma are simply files that allow multiple users to work on one design project together without everyone having access to the same live version of the file. This is perfect for when people want to get feedback from others or when working on a project as part of team where it would be beneficial not to have everyone working off of one main file.

Creating a draft is easy – simply go to File > New > Draft – and then adding collaborators is as easy as clicking the “Add Collaborators” button and entering their email addresses. Comments left by collaborators will appear in the “Drafts” tab within users’ Figma accounts, and users can reply to comments by clicking the “Reply” button.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.