Web Design » Figma » What Are Interactive Components in Figma?

What Are Interactive Components in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:14 pm

Interactive components are those elements in a design that allow users to interact with it. In Figma, these can be anything from buttons and icons to drop-down lists and checkboxes. By adding interactivity to your designs, you can make them more user-friendly and engaging.

There are several ways to add interactivity to your Figma designs. One way is to use the built-in interactive components that come with Figma.

To access these, simply click on the ‘Interact’ tab in the left sidebar. Here, you’ll find a range of common UI elements that you can add to your design.

PRO TIP: Interactive components in Figma are a powerful way to create interactive and responsive designs. However, they can also be a bit tricky to use. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using interactive components in Figma:

1. Make sure you understand how the component works before using it.
2. Pay attention to the constraints and how they affect the component.
3. Test the component thoroughly before using it in a live design.

Another way to add interactivity is to use plugins. Figma has a large plugin library that includes a number of plugins specifically for adding interactivity to designs. To find these, simply go to the ‘Plugins’ tab in the left sidebar and search for ‘interactive’.

Once you’ve added interactive elements to your design, you’ll need to link them up so that they actually do something when clicked or hovered over. This is done using the ‘Link’ tool, which can be found in the top toolbar.

Simply click on an element, then click on the ‘Link’ tool and select where you want the element to link to. You can link elements to other pages in your design, external websites, or even trigger actions such as opening a popup or playing a video.

So what are interactive components in Figma? They’re simply elements that allow users to interact with your design in some way. By adding them to your designs, you can make them more user-friendly and engaging.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.