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What Are Tags in Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:47 pm

When you create a Gig on Fiverr, you have the opportunity to include up to 5 tags. Tags are keywords that help buyers find your Gig when they search for specific terms on the Fiverr platform.

Including the right tags on your Gig can help you appear in more search results, and ultimately get more views and clicks. When buyers find your Gig through search, they are also more likely to convert into paying customers.

The best way to choose tags for your Gig is to think like a buyer. What keywords would someone use to find a Gig like yours

You can also use the Fiverr search bar to see which tags are being used for similar Gigs. Once you have a good list of potential tags, try to include the most relevant and popular ones on your Gig.

Remember, each tag can only be used once per Gig, so choose them carefully!

Tags are keywords that help buyers find your Gig when they search for specific terms on the Fiverr platform.

Including the right tags on your Gig can help you appear in more search results, and ultimately get more views and clicks.

The best way to choose tags for your Gig is to think like a buyer. What keywords would someone use to find a Gig like yours

You can also use the Fiverr search bar to see which tags are being used for similar Gigs.

Once you have a good list of potential tags, try to include the most relevant and popular ones on your Gig.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with the term “tags” in regards to Fiverr, be aware that they are essentially keywords that help users find your gig. As such, it is important to choose tags that accurately reflect the content of your gig, as well as terms that potential buyers are likely to search for. Using irrelevant or incorrect tags could result in your gig being less visible to buyers, and could ultimately lead to fewer sales.

What Are Tags in Fiverr

Tags are keywords that help buyers find your Gig when they search for specific terms on the Fiverr platform.

Including the right tags on your Gig can help you appear in more search results, and ultimately get more views and clicks.

The best way to choose tags for your Gig is to think like a buyer. What keywords would someone use to find a Gig like yours You can also use the Fiverr search bar to see which tags are being used for similar Gigs.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.