Tags are a way to organize your products on Shopify. You can use tags to keep track of different product types, or to group products by season or collection. You can add tags to products from the product details page in your Shopify admin.
There are two types of tags on Shopify: product tags and collection tags. Product tags are assigned to individual products, and collection tags are assigned to groups of products (collections).
Product tags can be used to:
Organize your products into groups
Make it easier for customers to find the products they’re looking for
Track inventory levels for specific products
Collection tags can be used to:
Some things to keep in mind when adding tags to your products:
-Tags should be relevant to your product
-Tags should be concise and descriptive
-Avoid using too many tags (5-10 is a good rule of thumb)
-Use a mix of broad and specific tags
If you have any questions about how to use tags effectively on Shopify, don’t hesitate to reach out to a Shopify Expert for help!
Organize your products into groups
Make it easier for customers to find the products they’re looking for
What aretags on Shopify Tags are a way to organize your products on Shopify.
There are two types of tags on Shopify: product tags and collection tags. Product tags are assigned to individual products, and collectiontagsare assigned collections of products. Product tagging is a great way too: keep track inventory levels for specific items, have certain items be a part of promotional sales, or as a way too simply organize your store’s inventory. Collection tagging is helpful for organizing items by: type, season, or event. This makes it easy for customers who know what they’re looking for,to find what they need without sifting through a lot of unrelated items.