Website Building » Shopify » What Are the Best Free Apps for Shopify?

What Are the Best Free Apps for Shopify?

Last updated on January 8, 2023 @ 7:20 am

As an ecommerce platform, Shopify is constantly expanding and adding new features to make online selling easier and more efficient for businesses. While there are many great Shopify apps out there that come with a price tag, there are also a number of amazing free apps that can help take your business to the next level.

    1. Shopify Checkout

    Shopify Checkout is one of the most popular free apps for Shopify. It allows you to customize your checkout process and provides a number of features to make it more streamlined and efficient.
    For example, you can use Shopify Checkout to add a custom logo to your checkout page, or change the color scheme to match your brand. You can also add custom fields to gather additional information from your customers, or use it to create a more personalized checkout experience.

    2. Shopify Custom fields

    Shopify Custom Fields is another great free app that allows you to add custom fields to your product pages. This is especially useful if you need to gather additional information from your customers such as their shipping address or phone number.
    You can also use custom fields to upsell other products or services, or cross-sell related products. Overall, this app is a great way to increase conversions by making it easy for customers to complete their purchase.

    PRO TIP: The article “What Are the Best Free Apps for Shopify?” is a sponsored post. This means that the company who wrote the article, Shopify, has a financial relationship with the app developers featured in the article. While the apps featured in the article may be free to download and use, keep in mind that Shopify and the app developers may make money when you use their services.

    3. Shopify Order Printer

    Shopify Order Printer is a must-have app for any business that sells physical products. It allows you to easily print shipping labels, invoices, and packing slips from within Shopify.
    This app also makes it easy to customize your printing templates so that they match your brand identity. Overall, this app is a great way to save time and money when fulfilling orders.

    4. Shopify Product Reviews

    Shopify Product Reviews is another essential free app for businesses that sell physical products. It allows customers to leave reviews and ratings for products they’ve purchased, which can help you improve the quality of your products over time.
    Additionally, product reviews can be a great way to build social proof and increase confidence in potential customers.


These are only some of the best free apps available on Shopify- there are plenty more out there that can help take your business even further! Do some research and explore the different options available in order to find the perfect fit for your business needs.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.