Website Building » Wix » What Are the Best Wix Apps?

What Are the Best Wix Apps?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 12:57 am

There are a lot of different website builders out there. Wix is one of the most popular, and for good reason.

It’s easy to use, has a lot of features, and is very affordable. One of the best things about Wix is that it has a lot of great apps that you can use to add even more features to your website. In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the best Wix apps that you can use to make your website even better.


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1. Wix Bookings

If you run a business that takes appointments, then you need Wix Bookings. This app lets you add an online booking system to your website so that your customers can book appointments with you easily. You can set up different types of appointments, such as one-time appointments or recurring appointments.

You can also set up different time slots and appointment durations. And if you have a team, you can assign appointments to different team members. Wix Bookings makes it easy for you to manage your appointments and bookings all in one place.

2. Wix Contact Form

Wix Contact Form is a great way to let your visitors contact you easily. You can add a contact form to any page on your website, and customize it however you want.

You can choose what fields to include in the form, such as name, email, phone number, and message. You can also choose how you want to receive the submissions, such as by email or through a database. Wix Contact Form is a great way to gather information from your visitors.

PRO TIP: The following note is a warning for anyone considering using the Wix platform for their website. While Wix does offer a variety of apps that can be used to enhance your website, many of these apps are not compatible with each other. This can cause problems with your website if you try to use more than one app at a time. Additionally, some of the apps offered by Wix are not compatible with all web browsers. This can also cause problems with your website if you try to view it on a browser that is not compatible with the app.

3. Wix Forum

Wix Forum is a great way to add a forum to your website. This app lets you create different forums and categories, and lets users post messages in each forum.

You can moderate the forums and delete any messages that you don’t want on your website. Wix Forum is a great way to build community on your website and give your users a place to interact with each other.

4. Wix Chat

Wix Chat is a great way to add live chat to your website so that you can interact with your visitors in real-time. You can customize the chat widget to match your website’s design, and choose when and where it appears on your website.

You can also choose who can see the chat widget, such as all visitors or only registered users. Wix Chat is a great way to provide customer support or just talk to your visitors.


These are just some of the best Wix apps that you can use to add more features to your website. With these apps, you can easily take bookings, add a contact form, build community with forums, and provide customer support with live chat.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.