Website Building » Shopify » What Are the Collection Types in Shopify?

What Are the Collection Types in Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:10 pm

There are four different types of collections in Shopify that you can use to organize your products: smart collections, user collections, automatic collections, and custom collections.

Smart Collections: Smart collections are generated automatically based on conditions that you set, such as product type, price, or vendor. This is a great way to save time by not having to manually create and update collections.

User Collections: User collections are created and managed by your shop’s customers. They can be used to showcase products that your customers have purchased or favorited, which can be helpful for inspiring other shoppers.

Automatic Collections: Automatic collections are similar to smart collections in that they’re generated automatically, but they’re based on criteria such as bestsellers or newly added products. These are a great way to keep your store’s collection fresh and up-to-date without any manual effort.

Custom Collections: Custom collections are ones that you create manually and add products to yourself. This gives you full control over what products are included, making it ideal for creating curated selections.

What Are the Collection Types in Shopify?
There are four different types of collections in Shopify that you can use to organize your products: smart collections, user collections, automatic collections, and custom collections.

Smart Collections:
Smart collections are generated automatically based on conditions that you set, such as product type, price, or vendor.

User Collections:
User collections are created and managed by your shop’s customers.

Automatic Collections:
Automatic collections are similar to smart collections in that they’re generated automatically, but they’re based on criteria such as bestsellers or newly added products.

Custom Collections:
Custom collections are ones that you create manually and add products to yourself.

PRO TIP: The following article, “What Are the Collection Types in Shopify?”, contains potentially dangerous advice. The author suggests using Shopify’s “Collection Types” feature to organize products, but fails to mention the serious risks associated with this approach.

Shopify’s “Collection Types” feature is designed to help businesses organize their products into groups. However, this feature can be easily misused, resulting in products being grouped together that should not be. This can lead to confusion and frustration for customers, and can ultimately damage a business’s reputation.

When using Shopify’s “Collection Types” feature, it is important to be very careful about which products are grouped together. Make sure that all products in a group are related, and that there is a clear purpose for grouping them together. Otherwise, you may end up causing more harm than good.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.