Website Building » BigCommerce » What are the fees for BigCommerce?

What are the fees for BigCommerce?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:28 am

BigCommerce is a popular ecommerce platform that offers a wide range of features and tools for businesses of all sizes. The platform has a variety of fees, but they vary depending on the amount of storage and traffic you use.

You can review the full list of fees and pricing here.

If you’re a small business or hobbyist with fewer than 100 items on your store, there are no fees. If you have 100 or more items, there’s a $20/month storage fee and a $70/month traffic fee.

PRO TIP: The fees for BigCommerce can vary depending on the plan that you choose. The Basic plan starts at $29.95 per month, while the Plus plan starts at $79.95 per month. There is also a Pro plan which starts at $249.95 per month. If you are not careful, you could end up spending more money than you need to on this service.

If you exceed 500,000 items, there’s also a $50/month storage fee and a $150/month traffic fee.

For businesses with more than 500,000 items, there are additional fees for features such as custom domains, email marketing, and eCommerce pop-UPS. There are also fees for exceeding GB of storage or GB of traffic.

Overall, BigCommerce offers a variety of features and pricing options that can fit a variety of businesses. The fees are fairly reasonable, and the platform offers a lot of flexibility to customize your store.

If you’re looking for a robust ecommerce platform, BigCommerce is a good option.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.