Web Development » UpWork » What Are the Highest Paid Jobs on UpWork?

What Are the Highest Paid Jobs on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:43 pm

There are many high-paying jobs on UpWork, but the most popular and highest-paid ones are in the field of software development. The average hourly rate for a software developer on UpWork is $61, but the range is wide, from $30 to $95. The most in-demand skills for software developers are Java, Python, PHP, .NET, and C++.

If you’re not a software developer, don’t despair. There are plenty of other high-paying jobs on UpWork.

The second most popular category is IT and Networking, with an average hourly rate of $50. The most in-demand skills in this category are Cisco, Windows Server Administration, Linux, AWS, and Azure.

Other popular and high-paying categories on UpWork include Writing ($48), Translation ($47), Business Consulting ($45), and Graphic Design ($45). So whatever your skillset, there’s likely to be a high-paying job on UpWork that’s a good fit for you.

PRO TIP: The article ‘What Are the Highest Paid Jobs on Upwork?’ is a list of the highest paying jobs available on the freelancing website Upwork. The list is based on data from Upwork’s own internal data and is not an official ranking from the website. The article does not include any information on how to apply for or secure these jobs.

What Are the Highest Paid Jobs on UpWork?

The highest paid jobs on UpWork are in the field of software development. The average hourly rate for a software developer on UpWork is $61.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.