Website Building » Shopify » What Are the Main Differences Between Shopify and Shopify Plus?

What Are the Main Differences Between Shopify and Shopify Plus?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:00 pm

Shopify is a platform for businesses of all sizes to create an online store. Shopify Plus is an enterprise-level platform for businesses with high-volume sales. Both platforms offer a customizable design, a range of features, and 24/7 support.

Shopify offers three different plans, each with different features and pricing. Shopify Plus is a custom enterprise solution and pricing is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Shopify is best for businesses that are just starting out or that have moderate sales volume. Shopify Plus is best for high-volume businesses or businesses that need enterprise-level features.

PRO TIP: Shopify and Shopify Plus are two different ecommerce platforms. Shopify is a hosted platform that offers users a customizable online store. Shopify Plus is a premium version of Shopify that offers users an all-in-one solution for their ecommerce needs. Both platforms offer users a wide range of features and benefits, but there are some key differences between the two.

Shopify is a great platform for small businesses or businesses just starting out in ecommerce. It is easy to use and offers a wide range of features to help businesses grow their online presence. However, Shopify does have some limitations. For example, it does not offer an all-in-one solution like Shopify Plus does. It also has lower transaction fees than Shopify Plus, but this can vary depending on the payment processor you use.

Shopify Plus is a premium version of Shopify that offers users an all-in-one solution for their ecommerce needs. This includes features such as unlimited bandwidth, advanced reporting, and dedicated account management. Shopify Plus also has no transaction fees, which can save businesses a lot of money. However, it is important to note that Shopify Plus is only available to businesses that meet certain criteria, such as having annual

The main differences between Shopify and Shopify Plus are:

Shopify is a more affordable platform with three different plans to choose from. Shopify Plus is a more expensive, enterprise-level platform.

Shopify offers a wide range of features for businesses of all sizes. Shopify Plus offers additional features for high-volume businesses, such as advanced reporting and abandoned cart recovery.

Shopify provides 24/7 support to all customers. Shopify Plus customers have access to a dedicated account manager and priority support.

In conclusion, the two platforms offer different levels of features and support at different price points. Shopify is best for small to medium businesses, while Shopify Plus is better suited for high-volume businesses or those who need enterprise-level features.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.