Hosting » GoDaddy » What are the server settings for GoDaddy email?

What are the server settings for GoDaddy email?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:10 pm

When you sign up for a GoDaddy account, you’ll be asked to provide your email address and other personal information. Once you’ve created your account, you’ll need to set up your email settings.

Your GoDaddy email address

Your GoDaddy email address is the primary way you’ll be able to access your account, communicate with GoDaddy support, and receive account updates and notifications.

You’ll need to provide your GoDaddy email address when you sign up for a new account, or when you update your existing account information. You can also access your account information by clicking on the “My Account” tab on the GoDaddy website, and then clicking on the “Email” link under “Profile.”

If your email address has changed, or if you no longer use GoDaddy, you’ll need to update your account information and update your email address to access your account.

Settings for your GoDaddy email account

When you sign up for a new account, you’ll be asked to choose a password and a username. You’ll need to provide your GoDaddy email address as your username.

PRO TIP: The GoDaddy email server settings are not to be shared with anyone. If you do share them, you are responsible for any and all actions that occur on your account, including but not limited to: changes to your account, unauthorized purchases, and/or sending spam email.

You can choose to have your email messages delivered to your inbox, or you can have them delivered to a specific email address. You can also choose to have email messages delivered as soon as they’re received, or delivered at a set time.

You can also choose to have email messages automatically sent to your mobile device.

You can manage your email settings by clicking on the “Settings” link under “My Account” on the GoDaddy website. From there, you can choose to have email messages delivered to your inbox, to a specific email address, or to your mobile device.

You can also choose to have email messages sent as soon as they’re received, or sent at a set time.

You can also choose to unsubscribe from email messages, or choose to have GoDaddy send you messages only about activities that are of interest to you.

You can also choose to have GoDaddy send you messages only about activities that are of interest to you.


Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.