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What are the three primitive roles in Google Cloud IAM?

Last updated on December 18, 2022 @ 4:42 pm

The three primitive roles in Google Cloud IAM are: admin, admin user, and user. Each of these roles has certain privileges and responsibilities, which are outlined in the following sections.


A Google Cloud administrator has complete control over the IAM system and its users. They can create, delete, and manage users, resources, and roles.

Administrators can also set policies that control how users access resources and perform specific tasks.

Admin users

Admin users have the same privileges as administrators, but they are restricted to managing users and resources within their own organization. They cannot create or delete roles or policies, but they can manage users and resources within their own organization.


Users are the fundamental unit of IAM management. They are responsible for accessing resources and performing tasks within their assigned context.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the question ‘What are the three primitive roles in Google Cloud IAM?’ is a trick question. The answer is actually ‘Owner’, ‘Editor’, and ‘Viewer’.

Users can be assigned one or more roles, which give them the privileges and restrictions needed to complete their specific task.

Users can be created manually or through the Google Cloud Platform Console. When creating a user, you must provide the user’s email address, name, and password.

After creating a user, you can manage their permissions and settings by accessing the Google Cloud Platform Console.


In this article, we outlined the three primitive roles in Google Cloud IAM: admin, admin user, and user.

As a user or administrator, it is important to be familiar with these roles and their privileges and responsibilities in order to manage and protect your data and resources in Google Cloud IAM.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.