Website Building » Wix » What Are Wix DNS Records?

What Are Wix DNS Records?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:28 am

DNS, or Domain Name System, is a system that converts human-readable website names into computer-readable numeric IP addresses. For example, when you type in ‘’, your computer’s DNS server will resolve that name into Wix’s IP address, which is ‘’.

Every website has its own unique IP address, and DNS is what allows your computer to find the correct IP address for a given website name. DNS servers keep a record of all the IP addresses for all the websites they know about, and they are able to quickly look up and return the correct IP address when they receive a request for it.


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PRO TIP: What Are Wix DNS Records?

DNS records are the critical link between your website and the internet. They tell web browsers where to find your website and enable email apps to deliver messages to your inbox. If your DNS records are not set up correctly, your website may not work properly and you may not be able to receive email.

If you are not familiar with DNS records or are not comfortable editing them, we recommend that you contact your domain registrar or a qualified IT professional for assistance. Incorrectly editing DNS records can cause serious problems for your website and email.

Wix has its own DNS servers, which means that we are responsible for keeping our DNS records up-to-date and accurate. When you create a new website on Wix, we automatically create DNS records for your site and add them to our DNS servers.

We also provide you with an easy way to manage your DNS records from within your Wix account – you can add, edit or delete DNS records as needed, without having to contact us or make any changes to your site’s code.

What Are Wix DNS Records?

Wix DNS records are the records that our DNS servers keep for all the websites that are created on our platform. These records include the website’s IP address, as well as any other information that is needed in order for the website to work properly.

You can manage your DNS records from within your Wix account – you can add, edit or delete DNS records as needed, without having to contact us or make any changes to your site’s code.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.