Web Design » Canva » What Canva Font Is Closest to Century Gothic?

What Canva Font Is Closest to Century Gothic?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 7:13 pm

There are a few different fonts that come close to Century Gothic, but none that are exact matches. Some of the most similar fonts include Arial, Helvetica, and Verdana. All of these fonts share similar characteristics with Century Gothic, such as similar letter shapes and similar overall proportions. However, each of these fonts has its own unique features that set it apart from Century Gothic. For example, Arial is a sans-serif font while Century Gothic is a serif font.

PRO TIP: Canva does not have a font called “Century Gothic.” The closest font to “Century Gothic” in the Canva library is “Avenir.”

This means that the letters in Arial do not have the small feet that the letters in Century Gothic do. Helvetica is another sans-serif font that is similar to Century Gothic, but it has a more modern look. Verdana is a sans-serif font that was designed specifically for use on computer screens. It has larger letters than most other fonts, which makes it easier to read on a screen. While there are many fonts that are similar to Century Gothic, there is no exact match.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.