Website Building » Wix » What Do You Get When You Upgrade Wix?

What Do You Get When You Upgrade Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:05 pm

If you’re like most people, you probably started using Wix for its free website builder. Wix is a great platform for building a simple website, but it has its limitations.

If you’re looking to take your website to the next level, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan. With a paid plan, you’ll get access to more features and customization options. Here’s what you can expect when you upgrade your Wix account:


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

More Customization Options

One of the biggest benefits of upgrading to a paid plan is that you’ll have more customization options. With the free plan, you’re limited to using the templates and features that Wix provides.

With a paid plan, you can customize your website however you want. You can change the layout, add your own photos and videos, and even add new features. If you’re not happy with the way your website looks, upgrading is the best way to change it.

No Wix Ads

Another benefit of upgrading is that you can remove the Wix ads from your website. The free plan includes ads that are displayed on your website.

These ads can be distracting and take away from your content. If you upgrade to a paid plan, you can remove the ads and give your visitors a better experience.

PRO TIP: If you upgrade your Wix account, you may be charged more than you expect. Be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully before upgrading.

More Storage and Bandwidth

With the free plan, you’re limited to 500 MB of storage and 1 GB of bandwidth per month. This is enough for a simple website, but if you start adding more content, like photos and videos, you’ll quickly run out of space. Upgrading to a paid plan gives you more storage space so you can add more content to your website.

24/7 Support

If you have any problems with your website, upgrading gives you access to 24/7 support from Wix. With the free plan, you can only get support through the Wix forum.

This can be helpful, but it’s not as quick or convenient as getting support from a live person. If you need help with your website, upgrading is the best way to get it.


Overall, upgrading to a paid Wix plan will give you access to more customization options, remove ads from your site, give you more storage space, and provide 24/7 support if needed. If you’re looking to take your website to the next level, upgrading is the best way to do it.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.