Website Building » WooCommerce » What Do You Get With Free WooCommerce?

What Do You Get With Free WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:51 am

There are a lot of advantages that come with using WooCommerce. Perhaps the biggest advantage is that it is free. That’s right, you can download and use WooCommerce without spending a dime.

Of course, there are some premium features that you’ll have to pay for if you want them, but the core functionality of WooCommerce is available for free. So, what do you get with free WooCommerce? Let’s take a look.

A Flexible eCommerce Platform

WooCommerce is built on top of WordPress, which is itself a very flexible platform. This means that WooCommerce inherits a lot of that flexibility, making it a very powerful eCommerce solution.

You can use WooCommerce to sell physical goods, digital products, or even services. And thanks to the multitude of plugins and themes available for WordPress, there’s practically no limit to what you can do with WooCommerce.

Easy to Use

Another great advantage of WooCommerce is that it is easy to use, even for beginners. Setting up a basic store takes just a few clicks, and adding products is just as easy.

Of course, if you want to get more advanced, there are plenty of options for doing that as well. But even if you stick to the basics, you’ll find WooCommerce easy to use.

Lots of Features

Even though WooCommerce is free, it comes with a lot of features. For starters, it includes everything you need to sell both physical and digital products.

It also comes with built-in payment processing via PayPal and Stripe, so you can start taking payments right away. There are also options for shipping, taxes, inventory management, coupons, and more.


As you can see, there are a lot of great things that come with using WooCommerce. If you’re looking for a flexible and powerful eCommerce solution that won’t cost you anything to use, then WooCommerce is definitely worth checking out.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.