Website Building » Wix » What Does a Free Wix Website URL Look Like?

What Does a Free Wix Website URL Look Like?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:32 am

If you’re looking to create a free website, Wix is a great option. With Wix, you can create a website in minutes, without having to learn coding or design. Plus, Wix is free to use!

When you create a free Wix website, your website’s URL will look like this:


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

As you can see, your Wix website’s URL will include the name of your website, as well as the “.wix” extension. You can also choose to add your own custom domain name to your Wix website, which we’ll talk about next.

PRO TIP: When creating a free website on Wix, your website address (URL) will include “” as part of the address. For example, your website address could be “”. While this is a perfectly fine and functional website address, it may not look as professional as you would like. If you are looking to create a more professional looking website, you may want to consider upgrading to a paid plan which will allow you to use your own custom domain name (e.g. “”).

If you want to use your own custom domain name (such as, you can do so with a paid Wix plan. With a paid plan, you can connect your own domain name to your Wix website and remove the “.wix” extension from your URL. This gives your website a more professional look and feel.

So, what does a free Wix website URL look like? As we mentioned above, it will look like this:

If you decide to upgrade to a paid plan, you can connect your own custom domain name and remove the “.wix” extension, giving your website a more professional look.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.