Website Building » Shopify » What Does Channel Mean on Shopify?

What Does Channel Mean on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 11:44 pm

When you set up your Shopify store, you choose a plan. Each plan has different features and limits.

The Shopify Lite plan doesn’t give you access to a lot of features, but it’s perfect if you want to add Buy Buttons or use Shopify POS to sell in person. If you want to have a full online store, then you need to choose one of the other plans. All of the plans let you sell an unlimited number of products, and they all come with a 14-day free trial.

Shopify has everything you need to start, grow, and manage your business. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use platform with all the features you need to succeed, look no further than Shopify.

PRO TIP: If you are not sure what a channel is on Shopify, it is best to contact customer support before making any changes. There is a risk that you could accidentally remove or add products to the wrong channel, which could have negative consequences for your business.

What Does Channel Mean on Shopify?

The term “channel” is used a few different ways on Shopify. Here are some examples:

  • Shopify Channel: A sales channel is where your customers buy your products. Shopify has its own sales channels, such as Shopify POS and the Shopify Online Store.
  • Product Channels: You can also control where your products are sold using product channels. For example, you might have a channel for selling in your online store, and another channel for selling in person at trade shows.
  • Inventory Channel: An inventory channel is where your inventory is coming from. For example, if you have products that are drop-shipped from a supplier, that would be an inventory channel.

You can read more about channels in this article.

Channels are an important part of Shopify because they let you control where your products are sold. By using product channels, you can make sure that your products are only being sold in the places that you want them to be sold. This is important for managing your inventory and keeping track of your sales.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.