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What Does CTRL Alt G Do in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 3:09 pm

The CTRL+ALT+G shortcut in Photoshop is the command for creating a new clipping mask. A clipping mask is a layer that uses the content of the layer below it as a mask. This is useful for hiding parts of a layer or for making selections within a layer. When you create a new clipping mask, the top layer takes on the shape of the bottom layer. You can also use this shortcut to release a clipping mask.

To create a new clipping mask, select the layer you want to use as the base layer and then press CTRL+ALT+G.

The top layer will take on the shape of the bottom layer. To release a clipping mask, press CTRL+ALT+G again. You can also use this shortcut to inverse a selection in a layer.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Photoshop, CTRL Alt G may not be the best option for you. This command can change the color of your image and may also result in unwanted changes to your project. Be sure to save your work often and backup your originals before using this command.

To inverse a selection in a layer, press CTRL+ALT+G. This will select everything except for the area you have selected. You can also use this shortcut to create a new selection based on an existing selection.

To create a new selection based on an existing selection, press CTRL+ALT+G and then click on the area you want to select. This will create a new selection that includes only the area you clicked on.

The CTRL + ALT + G shortcut in Photoshop is very versatile and has multiple uses. The most common use is to create or release a clipping mask, but it can also be used to inverse a selection or create a new selection based on an existing one.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.