Website Building » Wix » What Does Free Domain Mean on Wix?

What Does Free Domain Mean on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:06 am

When you create a website with Wix, you can choose to register a free domain or purchase a premium domain. A free domain is a domain that is provided to you at no cost, while a premium domain is a paid domain that you purchase from Wix.

If you choose to register a free domain, Wix will provide you with a subdomain ( A subdomain is a part of a larger domain ( and is usually used for smaller sites or sites that are still under construction.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

You can also upgrade your free domain to a premium domain at any time. Premium domains are more expensive than free domains, but they come with certain benefits, such as:

PRO TIP: If you see a website offering a free domain, be very careful. There are many scams out there that will try to get you to sign up for a free domain, only to then charge you exorbitant fees for the privilege. Always check the terms and conditions of any offer before you sign up, and be sure to read the fine print!

– A shorter and more memorable URL
– Custom email addresses (
– Better search engine rankings

If you’re not sure which option is right for you, we recommend starting with a free domain and upgrading to a premium domain when you’re ready. That way, you can get your site up and running without spending any money upfront.

What Does Free Domain Mean on Wix? A free domain means that Wix will provide you with a subdomain at no cost.

A subdomain is part of a larger domain and is usually used for smaller sites or sites that are still under construction. You can also upgrade your free domain to a premium domain at any time.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.