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What Does Hires Mean in UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:09 am

Hires in UpWork are defined as the number of freelancers that a client has hired through the platform. There is no set number of hires that a client must make in order to be considered “active” on the site, but most clients will have at least a few hires under their belt.

The hire rate is the percentage of proposals that a freelancer receives that result in a hired project. This number can range from 0% to 100%, and is a good indicator of how well a freelancer is doing on the site. The average hire rate for all freelancers on UpWork is about 20%.

PRO TIP: In Upwork, “hires” refers to the number of times a freelancer has been hired by a client through the platform. While this is a good metric to look at when considering which freelancer to hire for your project, it’s important to also read reviews and check out portfolios to get a sense of the quality of work they will provide.

There are a few different things that clients can do in order to increase their chances of making hires on UpWork. First, they should make sure that their job postings are clear and concise. They should also take the time to review proposals carefully, and only message those freelancers who seem like a good fit for the project.

Clients should also keep in mind that it often takes a few tries to find the right freelancer for the job. They shouldn’t get discouraged if they don’t make a hire right away, and should instead keep searching until they find someone who meets their needs.

What Does Hires Mean in UpWork?

In short, hires on UpWork are defined as the number of freelancers that a client has hired through the platform.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.