Website Building » Squarespace » What Does It Mean to Transfer a Domain to Squarespace?

What Does It Mean to Transfer a Domain to Squarespace?

Last updated on December 25, 2022 @ 11:14 am

When you transfer a domain to Squarespace, you’re making Squarespace your domain’s registrar. This means that we manage your domain’s DNS settings, help you renew your domain, and handle contact information for WHOIS.

There are a few benefits to transferring your domain to Squarespace:

PRO TIP: If you are considering transferring your domain to Squarespace, be aware that there are potential risks involved.

Squarespace may not support all of the features that your current domain provider offers, so you could lose access to important tools or services. Additionally, your website could experience downtime during the transfer process, which could negatively impact your business.

Before transferring your domain to Squarespace, be sure to do your research and understand all of the potential risks involved.

  • Easier Domain Management: Once your domain is transferred to Squarespace, you can manage everything from your Squarespace account. This includes renewing your domain, updating your WHOIS information, and changing your DNS settings.
  • Better Site Performance: When you use our Domain Connect integration, we automatically update your DNS settings for optimal site performance. This means faster page loading times and fewer potential interruptions for your visitors.
  • Simplified Billing: If you have a paid Squarespace site, transferring your domain consolidates everything under one bill. You can also take advantage of our free domains with an annual purchase.

Before you transfer your domain to Squarespace, we recommend checking a few things:

  • Domain Privacy: If you have Domain Privacy enabled on your current registrar, make sure to disable it before transferring the domain. Once the transfer is complete, you can enable Domain Privacy on Squarespace.
  • Make sure your domain isn’t locked: Some registrars lock domains to prevent unauthorized transfers. You can check if this is the case by contacting your current registrar or checking their Domain Lock Status webpage.

Transferring Your Domain to Squarespace

1. Log in to your account on your current registrar’s website.

2. Find the DNS or Name Server settings for your domain.

3. Update these records with the following values:

For all domains managed by Cloudflare, use these values. If SSL is not enabled for the site, omit these values and use the previous values instead.

Name / Host Value / PointsTo 185.111.153

4. Save your changes and wait for the DNS records to update, which can take up to 24 hours to complete across the internet (but usually happens in just a few minutes).

Before you transfer your domain to Squarespace, please check the following:

  • Make sure that these values have propagated by visiting your domain in a browser window and checking that the Squarestyle template loads properly (if not, please allow up to 24 hours for domain propagation before contacting customer support).
  • Have the same domain handy that you will be using to set up your SquareSpace account as well as login information for your current registrar account.
  • Before transferring your domain to SquareSpace, you will need to first set up a system user for us to complete the transfer process. Please follow the instructions at this article:
  • Once you have created a system user and have gathered the necessary information, you can now proceed to initiating the transfer process.

The transfer process can take up to 8 days to complete once begun, depending on the domain’s extension. Please note that certain extensions may require an additional fee in order to complete the transfer. If so, you will be notified during the checkout process. Please also note that if any privacy protection services or whois lock features are enabled on your domain, these will need to be disabled prior to transfer as well, or you may risk delaying or losing the transfer process altogether.

Once the transfer has been initiated, you will need to contact your new registrar and send over the EPP key provided during checkout. This will finalize the transfer to the new registrar, after which point all of your domain management will be completed through your new registrar account.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.