Web Design » Figma » What Does on Drag Mean in Figma?

What Does on Drag Mean in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:11 am

On Drag is an interaction in Figma that allows you to quickly and easily change the position, size, or rotation of an object by dragging it with your mouse. It’s a great way to quickly prototype ideas or make small changes to your design.

There are three types of on drag interactions in Figma: move, resize, and rotate. To add an on drag interaction to an object, select it and then click the “On Drag” icon in the Interactions panel.

Once you’ve added an on drag interaction to an object, you can configure it by clicking the “Configure” button in the Interactions panel. This will open the On Drag Preferences dialog, where you can choose how the object will behave when you drag it.

PRO TIP: When you select an object in Figma and move it around, we say that you’re “dragging” the object. This is a quick and easy way to move objects around on the canvas. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when dragging objects:

– Make sure you have the object selected before you start dragging it. If you don’t, you may end up moving other objects on the canvas accidentally.

– You can only drag an object so far. If you try to drag an object off the canvas, it will snap back into place.

– When you’re done dragging an object, make sure to deselect it by clicking on another object or clicking outside of the object on the canvas. Otherwise, you may accidentally move the object again when you go to select another object.

The Move option will cause the object to move along with your mouse as you drag it. The Resize option will allow you to resize the object by dragging its edges or corners. And the Rotate option will let you rotate the object by dragging its center point.

You can also choose whether or not the On Drag interaction will be applied when you click and drag on the object itself, or when you click and drag on another object that’s connected to it. For example, if you have a button that’s connected to a frame, you can choose to have the button move or resize the frame when you click and drag it.

Once you’ve configured your On Drag interaction, you can test it out by clicking the “Preview” button in the Interactions panel. This will open a new window where you can interact with your design and see how your On Drag interactions work.

So what does On Drag mean in Figma? It means that you can quickly and easily change the position, size, or rotation of an object by dragging it with your mouse.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.