Web Development » Fiverr » What Does Pending Mean Fiverr?

What Does Pending Mean Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:50 pm

When you make a purchase on Fiverr, your order is placed in a queue. This is called the “pending” stage.

Your order will remain in this stage until the seller completes the work and marks the order as “complete. ”

Once an order is marked as “complete,” you will have three days to review the work and request any changes. If you’re happy with the work, you can approve it and release payment to the seller. If you’re not satisfied with the work, you can request a revision or cancel the order.

PRO TIP: Pending means that your order is currently being worked on by the seller. Once the work is completed, the status will change to complete. If you have any questions about your order, please contact the seller directly.

If an order is canceled, you will receive a full refund. If an order is revised, the seller has three days to make the changes you’ve requested. Once the seller completes the revision, you will have three days to review and approve it.

What Does Pending Mean on Fiverr?

Pending means that your order is in queue and the seller has not started work on it yet.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.