Website Building » Wix » What Does the Site Booster App Do on Wix?

What Does the Site Booster App Do on Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:25 pm

If you’re looking to give your Wix website a boost, you may be wondering what the Site Booster app can do for you. The app is designed to help you get more traffic to your site by optimizing your site for search engines and improving your social media presence. Here’s a closer look at what the app can do for you:

1. Search Engine Optimization


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The Site Booster app can help you optimize your site for better search engine visibility. It does this by helping you choose the right keywords for your site and then optimizing your site’s title, meta tags, and descriptions for those keywords.

The app also provides tips on how to improve your website’s content to make it more search engine friendly. In addition, the app can submit your sitemap to Google and Bing so that they can index your site more effectively.

2. Social Media Management

The Site Booster app can also help you manage your social media presence more effectively. It can connect to your Facebook and Twitter accounts and then help you post updates that are optimized for search engines.

The app also provides analytics so that you can see how well your social media campaigns are performing and make necessary adjustments. In addition, the app can help you find new followers and Target them with specific content that they’re likely to find interesting.

PRO TIP: The Site Booster App on Wix can be used to create a website for your business, but it can also be used to create a personal website. If you use the Site Booster App to create a personal website, be aware that your personal information may be shared with other users of the app and with Wix.

3. Website Analytics

Finally, the Site Booster app provides detailed website analytics so that you can see how well your site is performing. You’ll be able to see how much traffic you’re getting, where it’s coming from, what pages are being viewed the most, and more. This information will be invaluable in helping you adjust your website and marketing strategies to get the most out of your Wix website.


The Site Booster App is a great tool for anyone with a Wix website who wants to improve their traffic and ranking in search engines. The app offers a variety of features including keyword research, social media management, website analytics, and more. If you’re looking to give your Wix website a boost, the Site Booster App is definitely worth checking out.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.