Website Building » Wix » What Does Unassign From This Site Mean Wix?

What Does Unassign From This Site Mean Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:31 am

If you’re a Wix user, you may have noticed the “Unassign from this site” option when trying to remove a user from your site. But what does this mean?

Essentially, unassigning a user from your Wix site means that they will no longer have access to any of the features or content on your site. This is different from simply removing them as a contributor, which would still allow them to access your site but not make any changes.


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There are a few reasons why you might want to unassign a user from your Wix site. Maybe you’re no longer working with them and don’t want them to have any access to your site. Or maybe they’re misusing their privileges and you need to revoke their access immediately.

PRO TIP: If you unassign yourself from a Wix site, you will no longer be able to access or manage the site. This action cannot be undone, so make sure that you really want to do this before taking any further action.

Whatever the reason, unassigning a user from your Wix site is a quick and easy process. Simply go to the “Users” tab in your site’s settings and click on the user you want to remove. Then, click the “Unassign from this site” button and confirm that you want to remove their access.

Once you’ve unassigned a user from your Wix site, they will no longer be able to log in or access any of the content on your site. So if you ever need to give someone access again, you’ll need to add them as a new user.

Unassigning a user from your Wix site is a quick and easy way to remove their access to your site. Whether you’re no longer working with them or they’re misusing their privileges, this is an effective way to revoke their access immediately.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.