Website Building » Wix » What Does Video Hours on Wix Mean?

What Does Video Hours on Wix Mean?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:22 am

Video hours on Wix is the amount of time that your video content is allowed to be played for in a given time period. This time period is typically one month, but can be shorter or longer depending on your account type.

Video hours are reset at the beginning of each billing cycle.


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If you have a Wix Video plan, you get 1,000 video hours to use each month. This means that your video content can be played for a total of 1,000 hours during that month. Once you reach your limit, your videos will no longer play until the start of the next billing cycle.

If you have a Wix Video Pro plan, you get 10,000 video hours to use each month. This means that your video content can be played for a total of 10,000 hours during that month.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the “Video Hours” feature on Wix can be misleading. This feature only counts the time that your video is playing while the page is open in a browser. It does not count the time that your video is played if it is embedded on another site.

You can see how many video hours you have used in the past by going to My Account > Billing > View Usage. Here, you’ll see a breakdown of how many video hours you have used in the current billing cycle and in previous billing cycles. You can also see how many video hours are remaining in your current billing cycle.

Video hours on Wix is a feature that allows you to keep track of how much time your video content is being played for. This is important because it allows you to make sure that your videos are being played for the correct amount of time and not too much or too little. It also allows you to monitor your usage so that you don’t go over your allotted amount of time.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.