Website Building » Wix » What Does Wix Pro Include?

What Does Wix Pro Include?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:28 am

As a website builder, Wix is pretty standard. You can create a website for free, but if you want to use your own domain name, you’ll need to pay.

You can choose from a variety of templates, and then edit the website to your liking. You can add your own photos and videos, and even create custom forms.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

However, Wix also offers a premium plan called Wix Pro. With Wix Pro, you get everything that comes with the free plan, plus a few extra features.

For example, you get access to Google Analytics, which can help you track your website’s traffic. You also get unlimited storage and bandwidth, and you can remove Wix ads from your website. Plus, Wix Pro websites are indexed by Google, so they’re more likely to show up in search results.

PRO TIP: What Does Wix Pro Include?

Wix Pro is a paid subscription that gives you access to additional features and benefits. These include:

-No Wix branding on your website
-Your own domain name
-Premium web hosting
-Google Analytics integration
-Priority support

If you are considering upgrading to Wix Pro, please be aware that there is a monthly fee associated with this service. Additionally, while the features and benefits listed above are great, they may not be suitable for everyone. Make sure to do your research and determine if Wix Pro is right for you before making the decision to upgrade.

If you’re serious about creating a professional website, then Wix Pro is definitely worth the investment. For just a few extra dollars per month, you get access to powerful features that will help you grow your website.

Wix Pro is definitely worth the investment for anyone serious about creating a professional website. The extra features included in the pro plan give users access to powerful tools that can help them grow their website.

For just a few extra dollars per month, users get access to Google Analytics, unlimited storage and bandwidth, and the ability to remove Wix ads from their site.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.