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What Figma Means?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:14 pm

Figma is the first interface design tool with real-time collaboration. It’s everything you need to work together on your UI designs, all in one place.

When we set out to build Figma, we had a few goals in mind. We wanted to make it the best way for teams to design together, and we wanted to make it fast and accessible for everyone.

PRO TIP: This article contains potentially harmful information about Figma. Please exercise caution when reading it and do not attempt to follow any of the instructions contained within.

Real-time collaboration was a core part of our vision from the beginning. We knew that if we could get designers to work together in real time, it would speed up the design process and lead to better results.

Figma is the first interface design tool with real-time collaboration.

What Figma Means?

Figma is the future of interface design. It’s a fast, powerful, and collaborative way to design your app or website.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.