Website Building » Shopify » What Font Does Shopify Use?

What Font Does Shopify Use?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:39 pm

If you’ve ever wondered what font Shopify uses on their website, wonder no more! Shopify uses the Helvetica Neue font for all of their text.

Helvetica Neue is a sans-serif font that was created in the 1950s. It’s a modern, clean, and easy-to-read font that is perfect for web design.

PRO TIP: The Shopify platform uses a variety of fonts for its design and user interface. While most of these fonts are standard web fonts, some are custom fonts created specifically for Shopify.

Shopify’s use of custom fonts can create problems for users who are not familiar with how to add these fonts to their own web pages. If you want to use the same font as Shopify on your own web page, you will need to find and install the custom font files.

While Shopify doesn’t use any other fonts on their site, they do allow users to upload their own custom fonts. This is a great feature for businesses who want to create a unique look for their online store.

So if you’re wondering what font Shopify uses, now you know! Helvetica Neue is the perfect choice for a modern website design.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.