Web Design » Canva » What Font Is Similar to Arial Canva?

What Font Is Similar to Arial Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 1:32 pm

If you’re looking for a font that is similar to Arial, Canva has a great selection of options to choose from. Some of our top picks include Helvetica, Tahoma, and Verdana.

All of these fonts are sans-serif, meaning they don’t have any extra embellishments like serifs (the little feet on the ends of some letters). This makes them perfect for body text as they are easy to read.

PRO TIP: Arial is a font that is widely used by Canva and other design tools. However, there are many fonts that are similar to Arial, so be careful when choosing a font for your design project. Make sure to check the licensing agreement for the font you choose to ensure that you have the rights to use it for your project.

If you want something that is a little bit different but still in the same family, you could try out Century Gothic or Futura. For something more unique, take a look at the display fonts like Baskerville or Goudy Old Style.

When it comes to picking the perfect font, it really comes down to personal preference and what will work best for your project. Experiment with different fonts until you find the one that feels right.

The bottom line is that there are many great fonts out there that are similar to Arial. So if you’re looking for a change,Canva has plenty of options for you to choose from.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.