Web Development » UpWork » What Happens if You End a Contract UpWork?

What Happens if You End a Contract UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:09 pm

As a freelancer, you’re in control of the work you take on. You can choose your clients, set your own rates, and work the hours you want.

One of the great things about freelancing is that you can usually walk away from a bad client or project at any time.

However, if you’re using a platform like UpWork, there’s usually a contract involved. This contract outlines the terms of your agreement with the client, and it’s important to understand what happens if you end the contract early. Here’s what you need to know.

You May Be Charged a Penalty

If you end a contract early on UpWork, you may be charged a penalty. The amount of this penalty will depend on the terms of your contract and how long you’ve been working with the client.

In some cases, the penalty may be as high as 100% of the total contract value. In other cases, it may be a more reasonable fee, such as 10-20% of the contract value. Be sure to read over your contract carefully so you know what to expect.

PRO TIP: If you end a contract on Upwork, the freelancer will no longer be able to work on your project. You will need to find a new freelancer to continue work on your project.

The Client May Leave a Bad Review

Another downside of ending a contract early is that the client may leave a bad review. This review will be visible to other potential clients, and it could damage your reputation. If you’re concerned about this possibility, you may want to consider offering to do some additional work for free or at a reduced rate in order to make up for ending the contract early.

You Won’t Be Paid for Unfinished Work

If you end a contract before all the work is completed, you will not be paid for any unfinished work. This is why it’s important to make sure that all milestones are completed before ending a contract. If there is unfinished work that needs to be completed, you may want to consider offering to do it for free or at a reduced rate in order to avoid leaving money on the table.

In conclusion, if you end a contract early on UpWork, there are some potential consequences that you should be aware of. You may be charged a penalty, the client may leave a bad review, and you won’t be paid for any unfinished work. However, if you’re careful and considerate in how you handle ending the contract, these consequences can be minimized.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.