Website Building » Elementor » What happens when Elementor pro expires?

What happens when Elementor pro expires?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:35 am

If you have an Elementor account, be aware that your account will expire on January 31, 2020. If you have not renewed your account by this date, your account will be deleted. After January 31, 2020, Elementor will not offer support for the software.

If you have any questions about Elementor’s account expiration or renewal process, please contact us at

PRO TIP: If your Elementor Pro subscription expires, you will no longer have access to Pro features or support. We recommend renewing your subscription as soon as possible to avoid any interruption in service.

Over the last few years, Elementor has evolved into one of the most popular design software platforms on the market. The Elementor pro subscription service offers access to all of the features of the software, as well as support and updates.

If you have not renewed your Elementor pro subscription by January 31, 2020, your account will expire and you will no longer be able to use or access the software. After January 31, 2020, Elementor will no longer offer support for the software.

If you have any questions about Elementor’s account expiration or renewal process, please contact us at support@Elementor.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.