Web Development » Fiverr » What Happens When You Deactivate Fiverr Account?

What Happens When You Deactivate Fiverr Account?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 7:53 pm

When you deactivate your Fiverr account, all of your data is removed from our servers. This includes your profile information, gig information, messages, and files.

Once you deactivate your account, you will no longer be able to login or access any of this information. If you plan on reactivating your account in the future, we recommend that you download all of your data before deactivating.

If you decide that you would like to deactivate your Fiverr account, please follow these steps:

1. Login to your Fiverr account


Click on the “Settings” tab at the top of the page

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “Deactivate Account” button

4. Follow the prompts to confirm that you would like to deactivate your account

Once you have deactivated your account, all of your data will be removed from our servers. Once you deactivate your account, you will no longer be able to login or access any of this information.

PRO TIP: If you deactivate your Fiverr account, all of your data will be removed from our servers. This includes your profile information, gig listings, messages, and earnings history. Once your account is deactivated, you will not be able to reactivate it or retrieve any of your data.

What Happens When You Deactivate Fiverr Account?

When you deactivate your Fiverr account, all of your data is removed from our servers.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.