Web Development » UpWork » What Happens When You File a Dispute on UpWork?

What Happens When You File a Dispute on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:43 pm

When you file a dispute on UpWork, the first thing that happens is that all communication between you and the freelancer is cut off. This includes both the messaging function on UpWork and any direct communication you may have had outside of UpWork. Once a dispute has been filed, the only way to communicate with the freelancer is through UpWork’s mediation system.

UpWork will then review all of the evidence that you and the freelancer have submitted and make a determination as to who is in the right. If UpWork determines that the freelancer is at fault, they will refund your money and may take additional action against the freelancer, up to and including permanently removing them from the site.

If, however, UpWork determines that you are at fault, then the freelancer will be paid in full and you will not be refunded. In this case, it is up to the freelancer whether or not they want to continue working with you.

What Happens When You File a Dispute on UpWork?

When you file a dispute on UpWork, all communication with the freelancer is cut off immediately. This includes both messaging on UpWork and any direct communication you had outside of UpWork. The only way to communicate with the freelancer during a dispute is through UpWork’s mediation system.

UpWork will review all evidence submitted by both parties and make a determination of who is in the right. If it’s determined that the freelancer is at fault, they’ll refund your money and may take additional action against them – up to and including removing them from the site permanently.

However, if it’s determined that you are at fault, then the freelancer will still be paid in full while you receive no refund. In this case, it’s up to the freelancer whether or not they want to continue working with you.

PRO TIP: If you file a dispute on Upwork, your account may be suspended or terminated.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.