Website Building » Wix » What Happens When You Publish a Wix Website?

What Happens When You Publish a Wix Website?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 12:58 am

When you publish a Wix website, your site becomes visible to everyone on the internet. Your site is hosted on Wix’s servers and has a unique URL that you can share with others. Your site is also indexed by search engines, which makes it easier for people to find your site.

When you publish a Wix website, you can choose to make your site public or private. If you make your site public, anyone can view your site and see its content.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

If you make your site private, only people who have the URL can view your site. You can also choose to password-protect your site, which means that only people with the password can view your site.

Publishing a Wix website is easy and only takes a few minutes. Once you publish your site, it is live on the internet and anyone can view it. You can make changes to your site at any time and republish it to update its content.

PRO TIP: When you publish your Wix website, any non-Wix content (such as videos, PDFs, and third-party applications) will be removed. Additionally, any Wix features that are not available in the selected plan will be removed or replaced with Wix equivalents. Finally, any content that violates Wix’s Terms of Use will be removed.

What Happens When You Publish a Wix Website?

When you publish a Wix website, your site becomes visible to everyone on the internet.

When you publish a Wix website, you can choose to make your site public or private.

What Happens When You Publish a Wix Website?

When you publish a Wix website, several things happen:

  • Your Site Becomes Visible to Everyone on the Internet: When you hit “publish” on your Wix website builder dashboard, your website becomes visible to everyone on the Internet. This means that anyone in the world with an Internet connection will be able to find and view your website.
  • Your Site Is Hosted on Wix’s Servers: Once you publish a Wix website, it is hosted on Wix’s servers. This means that when someone types in your unique URL, they are directed to Wix’s servers where they will see your website.
  • Your Site Has a Unique URL: When you publish a Wix website, you are given a unique URL (web address) that you can share with others so they can find and view your website.
  • Your Site Is Indexed by Search Engines: When you publish a Wix website, search engines like Google will index (crawl)your website so people can find it when they search for keywords related to your business or website.

In conclusion, publishing a Wix website makes it visible to everyone on the internet, hosts it on their servers, gives you a unique URL, and indexes it on search engines so people can easily find it online.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.