Web Development » Fiverr » What if Buyer Cancel Order on Fiverr After Delivery?

What if Buyer Cancel Order on Fiverr After Delivery?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:46 pm

As a Fiverr seller, you’ve completed your gig and delivered your work to the buyer. But what if the buyer then cancels their order?

Fortunately, Fiverr has a process in place to protect sellers in this situation. When a buyer cancels an order, the funds are automatically released back to the seller.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind if a buyer does cancel an order. First, you will not be able to deliver any more work on that particular order. If the buyer had asked for revisions, you will not be able to make those revisions and will need to cancel the order yourself.

Second, your gig rating may be impacted if a buyer cancels their order. Your rating will go down by one star for each cancellation. Therefore, it’s important to try to avoid having orders cancelled if possible.

If you do have an order cancelled, don’t worry too much. The funds will be released back to you and you can always try to deliver great work on your next gig!

What if Buyer Cancel Order on Fiverr After Delivery?

If the buyer cancels the order after you have delivered the work, then Fiverr has a process in place where the funds are automatically released back to you, the seller. There are however a few things that you need to keep in mind if this does happen.

You Will Not Be Able To Deliver Any More Work On That Particular Order:

If the buyer had asked for revisions, then unfortunately you will not be able make those revisions as part of that particular order and will need instead to cancel it yourself.

PRO TIP: If a buyer cancels an order on Fiverr after delivery, the seller may not be able to receive payment for their work.

It Could Impact Your Gig Rating:

Your gig rating could go down by one star each time an order is canceled. So it’s important try and avoid cancellations where possible.

Remember The Funds Will Be Released Back To You:

If an order is canceled after delivery don’t worry too much -the funds associated with that particular gig will be released back to you.

In short then, while it’s not ideal if a buyer cancels their Fiverr order after delivery, there are procedures in place which mean that as a seller you will still receive your payment.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.